Our iPad Competition: 2 more chances to win!

  • Logo: Our iPad Competition: 2 more chances to win!

Two winners have been decided. Could you be one of the final two?

Two chances have gone and past, leaving just two remaining opportunities for bimstore.co.uk visitors to get their hands on an iPad Mini.

The competition, in association with Wienerberger, has seen us offer 4 iPad Minis as prizes, simply for those who have created a bimstore profile and completed it to 100%.

Today, we can announce the details of the first two winners, with the tablets going to very worthy homes where they will be an important part of the winners' careers.

London-based architect Julia Kang and Michael Costello of Irish firm Ensuir Engineering are lucky iPad recipients and two more of you could join the pack. Another winner will be selected this month, with the final iPad to be scooped in February.

Julia was obviously delighted and provided us with a comment. She said: "I’d just like to take this opportunity to say that bimstore has fast become my first point of call for 3D downloads. The website is intuitive and the integrated product data makes specifying products and reaching BIM objectives easier."

If you have a similar opinion to Julia, make sure to sign up and complete your user profile to the completed level - you could also have a similar piece of tech to Julia too!

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