LOOK OUT! Big Foot lands on bimstore

  • Logo: LOOK OUT! Big Foot lands on <b>bim</b>store

A fantastic flat roof systems manufacturer have joined us, not a yeti!

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Big Foot!

Calm down everyone, we're not talking about the epic yeti/sasquatch/abominable snowman here. In fact, we're talking about something more epic - bimstore's newest manufacturer.

Big Foot Systems have added six listings to the site, all of which are compatible with the industry leading BIM software platform, Autodesk Revit.

The new items carve a really interesting niche as part of the UK's original BIM library, with the company supplying flat roof systems in forms such as H Frames, HD Beams, step overs and walkways.

Some of the items are best use din conjunction with one another too. For example, the Step Over (available with 2, 3 or 4 steps), requires the use of the Rapid Walkway component (with user-selectable handrails) alongside it. Together, they allow for easy access across a flat roof and over installations and obstacles.

Click here to view the entire range of products on offer in BIM format from Big Foot and to follow them on Twitter follow this link.

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