Download the new and improved bimstore Eye!

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bimstore Augmented Reality app receives a massive update - including a festive overhaul!

Back in early 2015, we launched the first of our two bimstore apps, bimstore Eye. If you’ve not had a chance to see it yet, bimstore Eye is our augmented reality app, which allows specifiers to view 3D representations of BIM objects and visualise construction products in a fun new way. By simply hovering the app’s camera function over the brochure of one of the featured products, a 3D representation appears on the screen. Although not all bimstore manufacturers are featured yet, more and more are being added every day, making bimstore Eye a fantastic accompaniment to our online BIM library.

This month bimstore Eye has had a MASSIVE update, in fact, the app has pretty much been rebuilt from the ground up with some great new features added so it’s well worth downloading the latest version.

What’s new for bimstore Eye?

Well to start with, the app has a fresh, new modern user interface and there is a 30% reduction in file size – even with all the new content and features that we’ve added! Tracker recognition has been vastly improved - it’s now three times faster and persistent tracking makes it more robust when the target object is partially obscured or out of view. A sectioning tool has been added (for supported objects) and all new objects added to the app will now include the object's data. We’ve also added the ability for animations and the music on the augmented popup – which is most evident in our current Christmas advent calendar!

And this leads us nicely onto one of the biggest changes in the app. Gamification.

When you scan an object for the first time in the new app it will be added to your BIM deck and you’ll get allocated points – the number of which depends on the type rarity of the object (does this sound familiar to anyone?). In the future, there will be manufacturer promotions and special objects released at certain times of the year to tie-in with events and campaigns. Finally, we all love a bit of competition so to add a fun competitive aspect to the app, game centre is built in complete with a points leaderboard!

Because we love to have a bit of fun at bimstore, this December bimstore Eye has received a bit of a seasonal makeover and bimstore Christmas decorations have been landing on desks across the country. But these are decorations with a difference! Yes, you can scan these decorations with your app in the same way, for a festive surprise in the form of the bimstore advent calendar! Each day a different Christmas-themed object will appear – accompanied by a nice bit of jingly Christmas music. We’ve already had a dancing Father Christmas and a cute snowman and there’s a lot more to come. Follow us on Instagram to see what appears each day and if you want in on the festive action – download the trackers including the Christmas one right here.

You can download the updated version of bimstore Eye for free from the App Store or the Google Play Store. To enable you to test the Eye out for yourself, click here to download example trackers.

If you would like to know any more about bimstore Eye or you’ve got any feedback for us, drop us a line or a tweet and let us know what you think!

About bimstore: bimstore is the UK’s original BIM object library. Developed by specifiers for specifiers, we create and host high-quality manufacturer specific BIM content, making it easy to browse and download the world’s best collection of BIM components. If you need any help with BIM content creation, then get in touch with the bimstore team today.

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