Node for Designers

A new practice BIM library for architects and consulting engineers.

Over the past 10 years, Building Information Modelling has been adopted by most design practices. During this time, designers have collected hundreds of families, some of these have been created by themselves, some collected from others and some have been downloaded from BIM libraries such as bimstore.

Practice information can quickly become out of date and is often not shared by individuals or teams.

The importance of accurate performance data is essential. This has been highlighted by the establishment of a Product Safety Regulator following the inaccuracies of product data on the materials installed at Grenfell Tower.

bimstore have identified the importance of distributing and maintaining accurate objects across a design practice, leading to the development of Node.

Node is a browser-based private BIM and information library which can be accessed via a plug-in within your design software.

With Node, information can be managed centrally and dragged and dropped into your model.

As well as storing all of your valuable practice models, additional information can be accessed from hundreds of manufacturers who host products on bimstore.

Node has all of the features of bimstore such as individual project or team libraries as well as an integrated intranet.

Contact the bimstore team to find out more about bimstore Node.

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Posted 04.04.2023 by Sara Townley

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